Korean War, First Tour, 1951

HMS Glory mainly operated off the west coast of Korea with her aircraft attacking North Korean and Chinese supply lines and troop concentrations.

Operations normally consisted of eleven days at sea and five or seven days in the harbour although the schedule could change sometimes at short notice.

On the 26 April 1951 HMS Glory began her first patrol of her first tour. She made nine patrols in all during her First Tour in 1951. The Ninth Patrol commenced on the 16 September and ended on the 27 September 1951.

HMS Glory’s pilots were in danger of capture, if shot down and civilians were encouraged to help them and resist and avoid dangerous areas. This was done by dropping leaflets.

The North Koreans and China dropped their own leaflets on the United Nation’s troops.

The ‘Passport to Freedom’ Leaflet.

Courtesy of Doc Holmes who visited Fusiliers in Korea

Can you find a spot and say cheese?

Entertainment courtesy of 14th Carrier Air Group. First performed in Hal Far, Malta, as ‘Showboat to China’, as recalled by Ken Lambert: It ‘went down well’.

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