
Welcome to the HMS Glory Association website

This website provides former shipmates and their families with a resource of information concerning the ship and its crew.

The Crew

Korea 1951

A wealth of information has been provided by former shipmates to provide the resources for the website.

HMS Glory Association

Bournemouth 2015

The HMS Glory Association was established to provide shipmates with the opportunity to meet and discuss their experiences.


The original webpage for the HMS Glory Association has been used as a resource for this webpage.

“And the sailor slept in his hammock, hemmed in and often overheated by more mechanical and electrical equipment.”

Rear Admiral B.C.G. Place, VC, CB,CVO, DSC

From: Forward to HMS Glory, the History of a Light Fleet Aircraft Carrier. by Peter Barrett, 1996, Parapress

“HMS Glory, her name has a ring to it, it is a proud name and it was easy for her ships company to be proud of her”

“Spiv” Leahy

From: Forward to HMS Glory 1945 to 1961, by Neil McCart, 2002, Maritime

About Us

The HMS Glory Association was formed by six former shipmates who agreed that an association would be an invaluable way to meet and support each other

Get In Touch

Contact the website administrator Christopher Sarchet by email at:
